Social Studies- This week we have been focusing on making our classroom and school a better place by showing C.A.R.E.S. (cooperation, assertion, responsibility, empathy, and self-control).
Math- Place value, place value, place value! In chapter 1, your child has been working on building numbers, writing numbers in standard, expanded, and word form, as well as comparing 3 digit numbers. If you see that your child is having a difficult time with their homework, please write a note at the top for me. This will allow me to provide them with extra practice in our classroom. Thank you for your continued support! :) Next week, we will be working on ordering numbers from greatest to least. We will also show what we know on our chapter 1 assessment.
Reader's Workshop- We are continuing to build our stamina when reading independently.
Shared Reading- This week in Shared Reading, we read a book called My Teacher's Secret Life. In this story, a little boy thinks his teacher lives at school. After seeing her at the grocery store, the mall, and the park, he suspects that his teacher has a "secret life" outside of school. We practice finding and marking key story elements such as characters, setting, and plot as we read. We then learned how to take that information and transfer it onto a graphic organizer. We used our organizer to help us retell the story and added details when necessary to enhance our retelling.
Word Work- Students completed their first word sort at our "teacher time" center. We set expectations together for what teacher time would look like and sound like and then practiced. Next week, students will learn 4 types of sorts they can work on independently or in small groups when they are not meeting with me.
Writing- We are filling up our notebooks with such creative writing. Yesterday at the end of our writing block, a few students started complaining because they wanted to keep writing! Exactly what I want to hear! :) Students were introduced to writing circles--places where we can share our writing without judgement and students provide positive and constructive feedback to each other. We will continue to model, model, model, and practice, practice, practice before in order for our writing circles to run as smoothly and effectively as possible.
Daily 5/Guided Reading- This week in Daily 5, students were introduced to and practiced working independently at our word work and work on writing centers. Next week, I will introduce our listen to reading center and I will begin our reading assessments to determine guided reading groups.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Have a wonderful weekend.
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