Thursday, October 16, 2014

Science:This week, we focused our learning on the sun. We discussed how the sun helps and hurts us, how the sun provides light and warmth, how the sun seems to move and much more!

Math: Our second graders are turning into addition machines! We have been practicing addition with regrouping in the ones and tens. We also are learning how to read word problems, highlight the important information, solve, and label our answers. It looks like we will be wrapping up chapter 2 on Tuesday and "showing what we know" on Wednesday.

Shared Reading: We have been working on making connections and tying them back to the story Nobody's Mother is in Second Grade. We also focused on retelling using key story elements and answering comprehension questions using examples from the text.

Word Work: This week, in addition to our word sorts and word wall words, students learned about contractions.

Writing: We have been working on EXPLODING small moments using descriptive language. We are practicing adding sensory details to help create a movie in our minds. I can't wait until students take their learning and apply it in their personal narratives!

Guided Reading: Our guided reading groups are running smoothly. At this point, I have met with every group at least twice. In our small groups, we are practicing strategies that good readers use. I hope you have heard all about the wonderful books we are reading!

Friday, October 3, 2014

October Already?!

It was so nice meeting all of you at Back to School Night! I'm looking forward to a wonderful year!

Science: This week, we began our first Science unit about the sun, the moon, and the stars. We brainstormed ideas about what a scientist is and what a scientist does, and students quickly realized THEY were scientists! Our kiddos are SO excited and can't wait to dive deeper into learning!

Math: We wrapped chapter 1 up with our first "Show Me What You Know." We learned different test-taking strategies to help us such as highlighting key words and double checking our work. We will continue to practice these strategies to help us catch errors. We will begin chapter 2 next week. We will be focusing on adding three digit numbers with and without regrouping. A detailed home-school connection went home in your child's homework folder yesterday.

Shared Reading: We wrapped up Miss Nelson is Missing by using key story elements to aid us in retelling the story. Completed graphic organizers were sent home. Our kiddos did an AMAZING job! We also practiced using evidence from the text to support our thinking in our written responses. Next week, we will be reading a story called Nobody's Mother is in Second Grade.

Word Work: Our word work block is running smoothly! We are sorting away and really digging deep into spelling patterns. On Monday, our first word wall sentence homework will be sent home.

Writer's Workshop: We have been working on personal narratives. This week, students have been catching small moment ideas in their tiny topic notepads. We have been working on taking our "watermelon" ideas and squeezing them until a tiny "seed" idea pops out. Our wonderful writer's have been drafting away! Ask them to tell you all about it! :)

Guided Reading: Benchmark assessments are completed! We will begin guided reading groups next week.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.